Thursday, December 4, 2008

Resources & Publications

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Community mobilization and organization development

Saha , S. K. (2005). Discovery Story Listening and Vision Tree Exercise: Designed and tested by the author; a document describes how this tool can be used in application of Appreciative Inquiry approach to promotes self- help and self-help organizations in the community. Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha

Saha, S.K. ( 2000): Strengthening self-help organizations at village level : facilitator’s manual : Published in English and Bengali this manual is a practical facilitation tool for staff members engaged in community organization development. Paper published copy of the manual can be accessed through contact with : Development Association for Self Reliance , Communication and Health (DASCOH), House 35, Road 117, Gulshan , Email: . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S. K., Kashem , M. D. et. all ( 1997) Training module on Rural Leadership Development : Prepared for Development Association for Self Reliance, Communication and Health ( DASCOH) ; a detail training module in Bengali published by DASCOH, House 35, Road 117, Gulshan , Email: . This course is designed to provide local leaders with new knowledge and skills to turn their organizations into a vital contributor to the development of their village community.

Saha, S. K., (2008) Self Assessment and Action Process for Organization’s Sustainability : A tool to facilitate community organization to asses, plan and undertake action towards organization’s sustainability. Applied effectively by Caritas Keskuan Sibolga , Indonesia . For Indonesian language version contact CKS-Indonesia or electronic copy of English version can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S. K., & CKS-CMDRR Team , Indonesia ( 2008) Training module on Leadership and Organizational Development : Prepared Caritas- Keskuan Sibolga ; a detail training module in Indonesian language , This course is designed to provide local leaders of community DRR task force with new knowledge and skills to turn their organizations into a self-sustainable to the development of their village community towards disaster risk reduction. Contact, CKS-Indonesia or Electronic copy of the English version can also be obtained from Shayamal K. Saha ;

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Saha, S.K. ( 2008) : Community Managed Livelihood Promotion Towards Disaster Risk Reduction : A framework and manual of facilitating the processes developed for Caritas Keskupan Sibolgs, Indonesia. Tested and proved effective in the rural context of Indonesia. Contact or electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. as part of IIRR team ( 2007) : Building Resilience Community: Training Manual on ‘Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction: A facilitator’s manual of facilitating CMDRR processes produced by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction –Philippines and Cordaid Netherlands . Published in both English and Indonesian language. Press printed copies and CDS can be collected though contacting IIRP-Philippines or Cordaid Netherlands and Indonesia . PDF version of the electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha,

Saha, S.K., & CKS CMDRR Team ( 2008): Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction : This unpublished guide is prepared for CKS –CMDRR project to conduct participatory monitoring and evaluation on a systematic process of data collection, preservation , consolidation and report preparation. Evolving around the of dual level project cycle management approach the guide includes frameworks, tools and users guide to monitor activities and evaluate achievements at the levels of both community organizations and CKS’s projects . Contact, CKS-Indonesia or Electronic copy of the English version can also be obtained from Shayamal . K. Saha ;

Saha, S.K., & CMDRR trainers forum of CRS-Indonesia ( 2008): Integrating Emergency Response Preparedness in CMDRR : An unpublished community training manual prepared in Indonesian language. Contact, Retno Ika Praesty at or Yenni Suryani at

Primary health care

Saha , S. K. (1995): Functional Health Literacy Curriculum: Press printed publication ; structured adult literacy primer and teachers guide to organize and conduct non- formal literacy centre for the illiterate adult in Bangladesh. This 6 moth curriculum is designed on primary health care content by which besides learning literacy learners become aware about primary health care. Published and used by Voluntary Organization for Rural Development (VORD), village and post : Habashpur , Thaans Pangsa , District Rajbari Bangladesh. In accessing the resource, please contact VORD.

Saha, S.K. ( 1998): Community Management Promotion at MCH Canter : A detail Facilitator’s manual to facilitate local managing committee of Maternal and Child Health Centre to make their MCH center self-reliant . The manual was prepared for Japan Red Cross in facilitating Bangladesh Red crescent Socity program . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Tobias. K., Saha S. K. & Mahbuba. B. (1999): Breast feeding, supplementary feeding and weaning practices of mothers: Appraisal through Visualized Focus Group Discussion and Time Line Events: A participatory behaviour change assessment report of Integrated Community Family Health Development Programme (ICFHDP), BograBangladesh implemented by - German Technical Cooperation (GTZ); describes methodology and tools . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Water and sanitation

Saha, S.K,. Rafi, S.M. (1997) : ‘ Participatory Urban Appraisal on Waste management in Khulna”: Report of participatory study conducted for the Pilot Project on Municipal Waste Management in Khulna City of UNDP-World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group - South Asia (RWSG-SA). The report describes methodology, tools and findings. Successful project of cost-recovery approach to a large city waste management was developed based on the study findings. Electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal K. Saha . Email:

Kar, K., Saha ., S. K, Ahemd , A & Yesmin , T. ( 2000). Self-mobilized Water and Sanitation Programme in Bangladesh: A Community Empowerment Approach: Determining Area Specific Approach for a Greater Community Participation in WATSAN Programme for VERC/Water Aid: This study was conducted not only for generating location specific information and ideas for developing subsidy strategies but also field-testing and fine-tuning an alternative approach of WATSAN intervention based on local people’s capacity. The report proved ideas of facilitating participatory study and approach development for effective water sanitation programs. Unpublished electronic can be obtained from VERC at

Banu. T. Saha S. K, and Islam S. ( 2000) “ Water Sanitation and Hygiene: Challenges of the Millennium: Demand Driven Approach of DASCOH in Bangladesh : A case study presented in 26th international WEDEC conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Electronic PDF copy can be obtained from Shayamal K. Saha . Email:

Saha , S. K. , KASHEM, M. A, & RAFI, S M, (2008): Moving up the sanitation ladder : A participatory study of the drivers of sustainability and progress in Community Led Total Sanitation’,. In beyond Construction. International Water and Sanitation Centre and WaterAid publication . Soft copies of this publication and individual case studies are available at and

Saha, S.K. , & Eppler, P. ( 2000): Approach Setting for Community Management Promotion: A Facilitators Guide : Published in English and Bengali this manual is the first of 4 core modules in a series of training and learning materials for the WATSAN PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (WPP) implemented by of CARE-Bangladesh, IDE- DASCOH and 16 local NGOs in Bangladesh . The manual is a practical tool for staff members and executives of WPP partner NGOs to initiate a process-oriented community managed water and sanitation programme at village level. Published by WATSAN partnership project, Flat 05-06, Prio Prangan, Phone 0088-02- 869711. Electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal . K. Saha ;

Saha, S.K. , & Eppler, P. ( 2000): Formation of Village Development Committee: Facilitator’s manual : Published in English and Bengali this manual is the second of 4 core modules in a series of training and learning materials for the WATSAN PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (WPP) implemented by of CARE-Bangladesh, IDE- DASCOH and 16 local NGOs in Bangladesh . The manual outlines how to apply various PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) methods to mobilize village communities to form VDCs in a process-oriented approach in a community-managed WATSAN programme.. Published by WATSAN partnership project, Flat 05-06, Prio Prangan, Phone 0088-02- 869711. Electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal . K. Saha ;

Saha, S.K. , & Eppler, P. ( 2000): Village profile preparation and village action planning: facilitator’s manual : Published in English and Bengali this manual is the third of 4 core modules in a series of training and learning materials for the WATSAN PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (WPP) implemented by of CARE-Bangladesh, IDE- DASCOH and 16 local NGOs in Bangladesh . The manual outlines the procedures for facilitating a VDC in the preparation of a village water and sanitation profile and for facilitating a yearly village action-planning workshop. Published by WATSAN partnership project, Flat 05-06, Prio Prangan, Phone 0088-02- 869711. Electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal . K. Saha ;

Saha, S.K. , Khan. M., et. all ( 1998): Participatory Urban Appraisal (PUA): A Feasibility Study for a project on water and sanitation improvement in Dhamalcot Slum”. A study report provide ideas on the application of PRA tools which were utilized in a slum community of Dhaka city for developing effective water sanitation programs. Electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal . K. Saha ;

Firm forestry

Saha, S.K. ( 1997): Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) on Assessing Needs and Empowering Community towards Village Firm Forestry : Prepared for Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) ; a facilitator’s manual for conduction PRA sessions An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1997): Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) on Assessing Needs and Empowering Community towards Village Firm Forestry : Prepared for Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) ; a facilitator’s manual for conduction PRA sessions. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Promotion of self-help in development and social change

Saha S. K. (2005) Self-help through purok officers’ organizations: Enhancing people’s participation and good local governance in development” : A case study describes how promotion of self-help in development through community traditional organization in the context of rural Philippines positively contributed to good local governance. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2005): Decentralized planning and action in upland community: Garayan made significant increase of contraceptive users.” A case study describes how a isolated and conservative upland community with little access to development services and institutions made drastic increase in use of birth control methods for family planning . The case tells that community organization based decentralized planning is essential to promote community initiatives and self –help for development. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2001): Promoting Self-Reliant Community Organizations at Village Level: Perception of the members and the field level facilitators” A thesis for a Master of International and Intercultural Management at the School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA. Linking extensive literature review and field research findings the thesis concludes that the different classes and genders have opposing views of self-reliance due to a lack of agreed upon standard of collective living. The ways of self-reliance are constructed by a confluence of two opposites in relation to cooperation and conflicts between the class and gender, participation as means and end, professionalism and attitudes of NGO staff as facilitator. The paper recommends the relation between changing human psychology and societal structure as well as application of participatory methodology and deconstruction of dependency psychology has to be viewed as interactive rather than temporal. Other recommendations include viewing organizational development and management, as well as leadership, as part of social disciplines, and additionally changing the problem-centered development planning into a prospect centered approach. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Relational constructionism: its potential to promote self-help”: And academic paper ; linking extensive literature review and practitioner’s experiences present relational constructionism in scial change and its potential to promote self-help. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Learning by doing with the community”: Reflecting his experience of conducting PhD research in translating social constructionist ideas into development practices the author describes how research and interventions constructed together in promotion and self--help without preset design. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Problem Solving (PS) versus Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

Saha S. K. (2008): From smile to gloom: selecting problems of purok 1: ”: A case story that tells why and how application of problem solving approach brought forward learned –helplessness among rural community of Philippines thus discourages promotion of self help . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Being storied- being connected: ”: A case story that tells why and how story telling/ narrative approach of Appreciative Inquiry created a sense of attachment to each other than differences in a rural community of Philippines,; thus cooperative participation to promote self-help. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Constructing them and us : problem solving in purok 4 : A case story that tells why and how reflections on their failure to implement their self-help action plan produced many individualistic constructions in a rural community of Philippines,; caused jeopardy of -stakeholders’ participation . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Going hand in hand : Appreciation and Dependency Reduction : A case story that tells why and how application of appreciative inquiry reduced community dependency on external agency in a rural community of Philippines which promoted self-help actions . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Fault finding and blaming in barangay-wide meetings : A case story that tells why and how application of problem solving approach catalyzed fault findings and blaming among stakeholders which them defensive and finally withdrawal of participation in a rural community of Philippines which discouraged self-help actions . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Discovery to destiny : a growing appreciation of interaction process: A case story that tells why and how application of Appreciative Inquiry Approach centred interaction processes as unit of analysis and locus of change in a rural community of Philippines which promoted self-help actions . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): The IIRR is the key to barangay self-help promotion: A case story that tells why and how application of participatory process in problem solving Approach created dependency of community on an external agency . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): Post-mortem to possibilities: learned- helplessness to learned-optimism: A case story that tells why and how application of Appreciative Inquiry Approach created hopes and enthusiasm among community to promote self-help in development . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): We’ and ‘They’ are different: A case story that tells why and how application of problem solving approach catalyzed segmentations in a community and persuaded different stakeholders to see themselves different than others ; did not contribute to promote collective endeavour to promote self-help . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): We co-construct who we are and our lives together: A case story that tells why and how application of appreciative inquiry approach generated a sense of togetherness among community members . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): We see a hopeless barangay community in the future: A case story that tells why and how application of problem approach generated a sense of hopelessness among community members thus reduced their enthusiasm to promote self-help . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha S. K. (2008): We see a prosperous barangay community in the future: A case story that tells why and how application of appreciative inquiry generated a vision of prosperity among community members thus enhanced their enthusiasm to promote self-help . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Conflict transformation and peace promotion

Saha S. K. (2001): 4P approach to Conflict Transformation and Sustainable Peace Building at he Grassroots.” Developed and shared as an assignment of the course “Conflict Transformation” towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of International and Intercultural Management at the School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA. Particulat to the context of Bangladesh but can be contextualized for other countries; this paper presents an approach and tools of integrating conflict transformation and sustainable peace building activities in the ongoing development projects of local NGOs . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Monitoring evaluation documentation and learning

Saha, S.K. ( 2001): Participatory Monitoring , Evaluation and documentation : Unpublished English manual is the fourth of 4 core modules in a series of training and learning materials for the WATSAN PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (WPP) implemented by of CARE-Bangladesh, IDE- DASCOH and 16 local NGOs in Bangladesh . The manual is a practical tool for staff members of collaborative partners and local partner NGOs of the WATSAN Partnership Project who were engage in Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation, and Documentation. The manual outlines systematic and continuous process of collecting information, learn from it and apply those for further improvement at the levels of community organizations, local partner NGOs and international NGO providing capacity development support Including following ME&D fields.

· Progress status of activity

· Results

· Immediate Impact

· Process and context

Electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal . K. Saha ;

Saha, S.K., Penaflor. etl. as part of PROLINOVA –International Support team ( 2007) : Project Monitoring and Evaluation Guide : A guide include M&E framework and tools . Electronic copy can be accessed from PROLINOVA website;

Saha , S. K. , & Buenbiaje O. (2006). Community Identities Significant Change (CISC): An innovative and effective tool designed, tested and developed by the authors. CISC engage community people in identifying and analyzing significant changes in their lives and how these changes are linked to development interventions from within and/or outside their community. The community people, the primary stakeholders of development, determine the change domain and learning agenda. Learning is deliberately generated and documented on a selected significant change domain through the creative use of a combination of PRA and storytelling. Soft copy can be collected from the author –

Saha , S. K. (2007). Time-Line Comparative PRA for Participatory Impact Assessment: Designed and tested by the Author ; a document shows how a NGO in Bangladesh used this tool to identify impact of their primary health care education project. Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha

Saha , S. K. (2006): Participant’s Field Practicum: An Approach to Generate and Document Grassroots Learning: A case: This case shows how learning objectives of participants of training/ workshop can be linked to grassroots learning documentation objective. Most development organizations organize and conduct training and workshops for its staff members or for the staff of other organization. Inclusion of “participant’s field practicum” in the design can add an extra value to document learning from the filed. This case is structured as an outcome report of the “Participant’s Field Practicum” as part of international training course on participatory Monitoring and Evaluation -2003 conducted by IIRR. The report includes methodology, outcome, lessons-learnt and recommendation. Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha

Saha , S. K. (2007): Innovation Story Listening and Documentation: In the PROLINNOVA ( See, farmers and village communities, together with other stakeholders involve themselves in a continuous process of participatory innovation thus creating technological and social innovations. Facilitating innovation story telling can be used as a simple but effective tool for social/organizational learning as well as simultaneous documentation. This tool explains a case illustrating the application of “Innovation Story Telling–Listening” tool that I applied in my 2007 on-site backstopping mission to PROLINNOVA Cambodia. This illustration is related to the Cambodia Country Context of PROLINNOVA but can be adapted in other country and program context with little adjustment. In simple way field staff can listen and document stories of effects and outcome of projects they are implementing . Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha

Saha , S. K. (2005 ): People tell and write success story : A document provides examples of “ how in meetings a facilitator can facilitate community members to share their success stories and how assigned community volunteer can document/ write those stories of success. Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha

Saha , S. K. (2002): Process Documentation and Lessons-Learnt Workshop: Tool for Documenting Process and Lessons-Learnt at projects : A simple and practical tool to document process and lessons learnt though application of the process with the staff member of any project or partner organizations of the project who are engage in operating the project process. Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha

Saha , S. K. (2008): Field staff writes and share stories of doing : A document provide examples of how field staff of Caritas Sibolga of Nias island and Cordia medan In Indonesia wrote simple stories of CMDRR process application in the community. Those stories were shared in staff meeting, lessons drew and story refinement was done. Soft copy available with Shayamal K. Saha


Saha, S.K. ( 1998): Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for Community Development : A detailed training module for a 12-day course prepared for Development Association for Self-Reliance, Communication and Health (DASCOH), House 35, Road 117, Gulshan , Email: . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha , S. K., Rafi, S.M., Yasmin, S. , et. al. (200): Ice breakers and energizers: A manual in Bengali language ; complies use of o f 72 ice breakers and energizers in training and workshops –relevant to the cultural context of Bangladesh . Paper published copy of the manual can be accessed through contact with : Development Association for Self Reliance , Communication and Health (DASCOH), House 35, Road 117, Gulshan , Email: . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha , --

Saha , S. K., Rafi, S.M., Yasmin, S. , et. al. (200): Training Methods: A manual in Bengali describe application of 22 methods of adult training . Paper published copy of the manual can be accessed through contact with : Development Association for Self Reliance , Communication and Health (DASCOH), House 35, Road 117, Gulshan , Email: . An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha , --

Saha , S. K. (2008): Collected Ice breakers and Energizers in Adult Learning: An English Ready Reference for trainers include 60 ice breakers and energizers . Electronic copy available,

Policy advocacy

Saha, S.K. and the Advocacy Team ( 1999): Democracy Partnership- is in Crisis: Can the donor be responsive to foster democracy? : Document shows a case of o f developing advocacy strategy plan using IDR-Bostan Framework; Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management. Utput used later in doing actual advocacy that was a success. Can be collected from Shayamal Saha ,

NGO Leadership and management

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): NGOs in Bangladesh: Leaders Role in creating and Sustaining Organizational culture and values : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Globalization Form Below the Roles of NGO leaders : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Governance and NGOs in Bangladesh : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Management structure Analysis of DASCOH : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management. The paper provides idea about how to analyze management structure of an international NGO; can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Guidelines for Financial Control for the Partnership project of Non-formal primary education : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management. The paper provides ideas and tools of developing financial control systems of a project. Can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Thinking Strategically: Towards Greater capacity of DASCOH : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management. The paper provides ideas of analyzing international development trends , and hw to develop strategic plan for capacity development of an NGO. Can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Leading and Managing NGO collaboration: A look into Leadership Theories and their application to Network and Partnership: : Assignment paper was written as part of Postgraduate Diploma in NGO Leadership and Management. The paper exmanies networking leadehsip role of NGos and conclude that The new leadership for NGO networks demand for an effective combination of leadership and managerial skills . Can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 1999): Participatory Organizational Analysis process (POAP) Plus : Building on POAP developed by Sharmank K. Grinnell of International Development Research (IDR), Boston, USA this POAP+ is enriched by integration of learning organization concepts and PRA tools . An electronic copy of the guide for trainer/facilitator in conduction of POAP+ can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

Saha, S.K. ( 2003) : Instructor’s guide for the course ‘NGO leadership development and Social Change : Consist of 5 modules a detail instructor’s guide to conduct School for International Training (SIT), USA accredited academic course . Prepared for IIRR-Philippines as partner of Global partnership for NGO studies education and Training. Electronic copy can be collected though contacting IIRR-Philippines

Saha , S. K. , Saha, S.A and Suvash , S. (2001) Report of the Participatory Strategic Planning of Village Education Resource Center, Bangladesh : Facilitated for VERC, a report of organizational strategic plan include methodology of participatory Strategic Planning . Can be collected form Village Education Resource Centre (VERC), Ananadapur, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh . Email;

Saha S. K. (2005):.” Writeshop- a creative tool for linking social and organizational learning’: linking social and organizational learning as well as participation of stakeholders from practice based experience generation to distilling those into knowledge remains a critical challenge. This story tells about how a group of participants of IIRR’s international training course was facilitated to apply writeshop method as response to the challenge. An electronic copy can be obtained from Shayamal Saha ,

7; currently under construction

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